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Internet Explorer 7 Update

No Longer Supporting Internet Explorer 7

Fencl Web Design will no longer be supporting Internet Explorer 7. IE7 is not compatible with many of the latest browser standards. Many large sites, such as Facebook and Google, stopped supporting it a long time ago. Below are links to articles that explain the reason for this decision, as well as links to upgrade your browser. Follow the links below to use Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari, or Mozilla Firefox internet browser.

"Users of Internet Explorer 7 will want to take note of a warning Microsoft posted, as the company has discovered a vulnerability in several versions of the browser. Redmond has indicated that the new exploit could affect IE6 and IE7, but users of IE8 were immune, which is another good reason to upgrade."

"IE7 was superseded by Internet Explorer 8 in March 2009." Wikipedia

"Google drops support for IE7 August 1, 2011."

"Facebook drops support for IE7 on December 30, 2011."

"Usage of IE7 is now only around 1% of Internet Users."

Click Below to Update Your Browser

firefoxMozilla Firefox

chromeGoogle Chrome


IE9Internet Explorer

*Windows XP users can only upgrade to Internet Explorer 8.